Motorbike touring has had a big kick start now that the UK government has relaxed the rules relating to travel restrictions across Britain, Touring is Back!
Motorcycle Touring is Back!
After a lockdown period since March 2020, motorcyclists all over the UK are taking to their bikes after lockdown rules are removed across Britain.
Open Borders for Motorcyclists
When the government announced that from the 19th July restrictions to travel across Britain and the rules to social distancing would be set aside with their Step 4 plan, the rules in England were relaxed and the devolved administrations in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland also started to relax their rules and opened up borders.
This change was great news for bikers all across the country allowing them to tour the roads of Britain once again.
Motorbike touring kick started motorcyclists into a positive frame of mind ready to get back out onto the roads once again.
What is Motorbike Touring?
Motorbike touring to many motorcycle riders is the freedom to travel, being able to mount their motorcycles and set off in any direction alone, or as part of a group of riders.
Some motorbike riders will set a roadmap of places to visit, and others will simply ride to explore making route decisions along the way.
Motorbiking is a great way to see different places, some riders will ride their bikes daily on short tours to the seaside or countryside, others will ride their bikes for weeks on end taking camping equipment and supplies on their bikes that enable them to ride almost anywhere, staying overnight at campsites across the country, and even across the World.
Preperation for a Motorbike Tour
Any experienced motorcyclist will tell you, preparation is important before touring whether you are motorbike riding short or long distances having the right gear with you is essential to reduce any problems that could arise on a tour.
The motorbike itself would be the first thing to prepare when motorbike touring, it is important that the machine is in good condition and will cope with long journeys.
Good maintenance will ensure the motorbike won’t let you down traveling, always check things such as gearbox oil levels, brake fluid, chain tension, and tyres.
A basic check of the bike can reduce the risks of breaking down or having problems when on a motorbike tour.
Depending on the type of motorbike tour you are taking will alter the number of luggage requirements for the tour.
Long tours will require a lot of luggage space on your motorcycle and shorter trips not so much.
Firstly establish all the equipment and personal belongings you will need, try to plan each day of your tour, and write down on a piece of paper the requirements for each day, this will help you to establish the storage required on your bike.
Some bikers take lots of clothes which take up valuable space in your luggage space, try to minimise everything to save space and weight on the motorcycle.
There are plenty of laundrettes around the country so plan to wash clothes on long tours this will save taking too many clothing items with you.
Once you have a list of items you need to take when motorbike touring, it is much easier to establish how much luggage space is required on the bike.
If you are traveling in a group liaise with other bikers they may have spare storage space that you could use on their bikes.
Long tours will require luggage options such as a Top Box, Panniers, Backpack, Tank bag, and cargo netting.
Simple items can ensure safety when touring on a motorbike and these items can often be overlooked.
Proper motorbike clothing is one of the most important safety points, wearing the correct biking gear when motorbike touring including suitable suits, boots, helmets, and gloves for protection.
A mobile phone is normal for most riders these days but having contact with people can also be a part of your safety.
Motorbike navigation such as a map, or motorbike GPS system can help you get out of trouble in remote areas.
Carry a first aid kit with you just in case you get a cut or injury.
Motorcycle waterproofs and a means to keep warm should the weather suddenly deteriorate is a safety option that could actually save your life.
Motorbike Touring The Rider
Before motorbike touring is important to think about you as a rider, are you healthy, are you physically fit, and are you able to withstand the rigors of a long motorbike ride?
This may seem like a strange thing to consider but after being in lockdown since March 2020 most of us are not as physically fit as we were before the pandemic.
A long motorbike tour can be physically challenging as well as the best experience ever!
Make sure you feel up to the task in yourself before setting out on a long journey.
Motorbike touring kick started a huge amount of excitement with riders so ensure you feel up to the task before setting out on a long tour.

Frequently Asked Questions
The best motorbike for touring is a motorcycle that is big enough to withstand the journey, and carry the amount of luggage required for the tour.
Yes, of course, a new rider can tour on a motorcycle, but it is advisable that they begin riding short tours to gain some experience before committing to long motorbike touring journeys.
As with any form of transport motorbiking has its dangers when out on the road, careful planning of routes, carrying the correct equipment, and riding safely making sure you are focused and not feeling tired can reduce the danger level significantly.
We hope you enjoyed reading this article “Motorbike touring kick started post lockdown” if you have had the experience of touring leave a comment below let us know where you went and what your experiences were.